What Is Comfort Care and How Can it Help Your Aging Adult?

March 2, 2018 by Michael Drew, LNHA

Hospice Elder Care in Yardley PA: What Is Comfort Care and How Can it Help Your Aging Adult?
Hospice Elder Care in Yardley PA: What Is Comfort Care and How Can it Help Your Aging Adult?

As your elderly family member’s illness progresses, other types of care might become more important for you and her to consider. One type of care that more and more caregivers are focusing on is called comfort care and it can make a tremendous difference for your aging adult’s quality of life.

Comfort Care Defined

The term “comfort care” refers to a specific type of care that focuses more on keeping your aging adult comfortable and managing her symptoms than it does on curing ailments. Symptom management can look dramatically different for your elderly family member depending on the various health concerns that she has.

Patients Who Need Comforting

Some of the types of people who might benefit from comfort care could include people who have been in and out of the hospital a good bit. If your elderly family member has cancer, heart disease, or COPD, comfort care can be a real option when other treatments are too exhausting to continue. This can be especially important if your aging adult is looking at a situation in which she’s been given only a certain amount of time left by her doctor.

Managing Symptoms for Your Aging Adult

The types of symptoms that your senior might be experiencing could range from chronic pain to managing respiratory issues and even anxiety or depression. Some of these symptoms might come and go, while others might be something your elderly family member has been battling chronically. Having dedicated care for these symptoms can help them to be less of an issue for your senior.

What Comfort Care Does for Caregivers

You might not realize it, but elder care providers who offer comfort care services to your elderly family member can help you, too. Whether you need more respite time or you’re simply relieved to find something that helps your senior to rest easier, this type of care can make a huge difference for your entire family.

Having the right type of care for your elderly family member can help her and you to relax a bit and enjoy the time that she has left.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hospice elder care in Yardley, PA, please contact the caring staff at Serenity Hospice today. Call (215) 867-5405.

Serenity Hospice provides caring and compassionate hospice care services to patients and families throughout its servicing counties in PA.



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